Australia as a Country

Australia is derived from the Latin word "Australis", meaning "Southern". It is the 6th largest nation in the world with a total area of 7,741,220 square kilometers, its first inhabitants, the Aborigines, migrated forty-thousand years ago from Southeast Asia.

Australia is multicultural and multiracial country and this is evident in the countries food, lifestyle, cultural practices and experience. The music, art, and stories of its aboriginal people are unparalleled. The immigrants have created a beautiful and culturally diverse country. It has an important heritage from its indigenous people, which plays a defining role in the cultural landscape.

Famous not only for its incredible natural beauty, Australia also offers some of the worlds best beaches and surfing. Whether you talk about adventures, top notch universities, sports fans, you will find everything in Australia. Australia is also famous for its landmark buildings including the Sydney Harbour Bridge, opera house and its ancient geology.

Canberra is the capital of Australia and Sydney and Melbourne are the two major cities. The countrys population is concentrated along the coastal region of Adelaide to Cairns and little bit around Perth. A country with temperate climate, its northern states are warm, and southern states having cool winters. Snow falls in the winters on the higher regions.

Why Study in Australia?

Study in Australia as Australia has a lot to offer to international students. International Education Advisory Council forecasts 30 percent increase in the number of international students studying in Australia within the next seven years.

  • Most preferred study destination.
  • Globally recognized qualifications.
  • Research and development.
  • Scholarships.
  • Safety and standard of living.
  • Post-study work visa.

High Quality Education

Degrees from Australian universities are recognized worldwide. The higher education industry is regulated by the Australian government who evaluates all the universities in the country annually just to maintain high standards.

Affordable Cost

Comparatively, Australia is quite affordable for the international students.

Here is an estimated cost of living:

Living Expenses: AU$12,000 to AU$18,000 per year.

Undergraduate course fees: AU$10,000 to AU$16,500 per year.

Graduate course fees: AU$11,000 to AU$18,500 per year.

Well Connected Institutions

All the educational institutions are well connected with each other so that students do not face any problem if he/she wishes to switch over from one qualification to another.

Great Infrastructure

The country has great infrastructure with beautiful landscapes. Buildings are highly modernised with latest technologies. Studying in such an environment is a dream come true.

Innovation Australia

has a reputation for adopting new technologies at a faster rate than in most other countries. Facilities for teaching, training and research are world-class in terms of state of the art laboratories, classrooms, libraries equipped with modern technology.

Job Opportunities

Australia, which offers more job facilities than the UK and US in multiple disciplines. Be it in agriculture, aeronautics, accounts, Australia offer work permits to international students like no one else.

Ample Research Opportunities Australia offers research opportunities to eligible professionals who want to shape and enhance their career. The biggest advantage is that it offers country-based research and selection for these highly regarded research opportunities are based on merit and are highly competitive.


Melbourne University

Monash University

Deakin University

La Trobe University

Swinburne University

University of Wollongong

University of Canberra